Training Course  /  July 22, 2019  -  July 27, 2019, Each day from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Industrial Training Course - Mathematical Optimization

For whom?
Planning professionals at an operational or management level in logistics, production, energy or telecommunication; data scientists and consultants working with quantitative methods; interested people with a background in mathematical, natural, technical or economic sciences.


Day 1: Introduction to linear programming

Day 2: Analysing linear programmes

Day 3: Introduction to integer programming

Day 4: Solving integer programmes

Day 5: The travelling salesman problem

Day 6: Fixed-charge and general network design problems


The course teaches the foundations of mathematical optimization with a special focus on the solution of planning problems from an industrial environment. It gives planners all the necessary tools to formulate and solve optimization tasks as mathematical models, covering both linear and
integer problems. At the hand of many practical and detailed examples, the participants learn to build optimization models for problems occurring in logistics and transport, production, energy systems, telecommunication and many further contexts. They obtain a basic understanding of
the most important algorithms in linear and integer optimization: the simplex method and the branch-and-bound scheme.

In extensive hands-on training sessions, the participants acquire the ability to use state-of-the-art optimization software to solve large-scale optimization tasks and to interpret the computed solutions in terms of the application context at hand. As an add-on, university experts give advice for the beneficial implementation of optimization approaches in small and major companies, drawing from their vast experience in industrial cooperations over the last 20 years.