Executive Management Training Program  /  March 02, 2020  -  March 07, 2020

Leading Digital Transformation

Certificate Program


Leading digital transformation requires both an understanding of technologies driving the change, as well as the ability to lead the organisational transformation. A robust business model that is built on top of the technology is therefore the key to digital transformation and sustained value creation.

The companies can choose to develop new technologies with the customer needs in mind or build a product/ services and a business model with improvements to existing technologies. What approach should one adopt? This programme opens one’s mind to the different possibilities and provides a framework to analyse and come up with a blue print.

This programme has been conceived, designed and developed by IIMB in cooperation with FAU and Fraunhofer IIS to address the question of building transformational business models using technological advances.


K E Y  T A K E A W A Y S

The program is structured around 5 key pillars.

1. The technology behind Digital Transformation: Participants get an insight into various disruptive technologies at the core of digital transformation.

2. Value creation through Innovative Business Models: This module will focus on how to build value around some of the underlying technological building blocks, including cocreation and open innovation methods.

3. Intrapreneurship: Case studies on how large and mature organizations have created entirely new lines of business by setting up a new culture of innovation and intrapreneurship.

4. Business Modeling: Participants would create a business model to lead digital transformation in their own companies.

5. Strategic thinking and leadership: Developing strategic thinking and the ability to lead self and others through complexity and change.


P R O G R A M M E  S C H E D U L E

Week 1: March 2-7, 2020; IIM Bangalore

Week 2: May 11-16, 2020; FAU/Fraunhofer IIS

Week 3: July 15-17, 2020; Indian participants will come to IIM Bangalore and German participants will join virtually.