  • Aluminium nitride (AlN) is a so-called UWBG semiconductor material with excellent physical properties. For the first time in Europe, German research partners demonstrate a value chain for power semiconductors with AlN. Devices on single-crystal AlN wafers provide a high stable power density and efficiency in energy conversion. FHB, Fraunhofer IISB and III/V-Reclaim are collaborating to make AlN technology accessible to industry.

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  • Fraunhofer Institutes IISB, ISIT and IMS Showcase Together the Next Generation Power Electronics / 2024

    The Perfect Match – (U)WBG Semiconductors and Information Technology are Revolutionizing Power Electronics

    Press Release / June 10, 2024

    Wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor technology and artificial intelligence together are revolutionizing power electronics. A new class of intelligent power electronic systems is unlocking new performance and application areas. The high demands of system development impact the entire power electronics value chain. Specifically, this applies to semiconductor materials and devices as well as packaging and module technology. Extreme operating and environmental conditions demand maximum reliability and ultra-high performance. At PCIM Europe 2024, Fraunhofer IISB, Fraunhofer ISIT and Fraunhofer IMS together present the entire value chain for next-generation power electronics.

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  • On April 18, 2024, Semilab Zrt. and Fraunhofer IISB announce the official kick-off of their strategic partnership. Within their new joint lab, located at the IISB in Erlangen, the partners develop state-of-the-art metrology and inspection solutions for (ultra-) wide-bandgap semiconductor materials. The goal is to take semiconductor metrology to a next level along the value chain, from base material to die. By bringing new features and tools from lab to market, new standards for SiC, GaN and other (U)WBG semiconductors will be set.

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  • At the SPIE Optical Systems Design 2024 in Strasbourg, Valeriia Sedova was awarded third place for the Best Paper during the SPIE Conference on Computational Optics on April 10 - 11. At this Conference, Valeriia Sedova presented the paper "Advances in modeling and optimization for two-photon lithography". The decisive evaluation criteria for the papers were clarity of presentation, scientific merit, and potential innovative impact. The Best Paper Awards included a cash reward and an award certificate. With a focus on computation and modeling of various optical lithography techniques, including EUV, grayscale, and two-photon lithography, Valeriia has been serving as a researcher in the Lithography and Optics Simulation Department of the Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Division at Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB for the past four years.

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  • In the paper "Milliseconds Power Cycling (PCmsec) Driving Bipolar Degradation in Silicon Carbide Power Devices", our colleague Sibasish Laha and his co-authors Jürgen Leib, Andreas Schletz, Martin Maerz, Christian Liguda, Firas Faisal and Davood Momeni describe an innovative approach to silicon carbide (SiC) power cycling.

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  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Dr. Jochen Friedrich, zum DGKK-Preis 2024 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e.V.! Die Auszeichnung ehrt Dr. Jochen Friedrich, Leiter der Abteilung Materialien am Fraunhofer IISB, für seine herausragende wissenschaftlich-technologische Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Kristallzüchtung und Epitaxie sowie sein Engagement für die Public Awareness zu diesen Themen.

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  • © Elisabeth Iglhaut / Fraunhofer IISB

    Im 3. bundesweiten Schulwettbewerb »Wer züchtet den schönsten Kristall?« stand die Fachjury des Fraunhofer IISB vor der Qual der Wahl: Über 2500 Schülerinnen und Schüler von 150 Schulen aus ganz Deutschland reichten ihre selbstgezüchteten Kristalle zur Beurteilung ein. Die Gewinnerteams wurden im Rahmen der Deutschen Kristallzüchtungstagung 2024 am 7. März in Erlangen ausgezeichnet. Den ersten Platz erzielte wieder das Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium Düsseldorf. Die Staatliche Realschule Dettelbach belegte den zweiten Platz. Gleich drei Schulen teilen sich den dritten Platz: die Oberschule Wiefelstede, das Louise-Schröder-Gymnasium München und das Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium Erfurt. Den Sonderpreis für den größten Kristall gewann das Max-Planck-Gymnasium München. Der Wettbewerb wurde vom Fraunhofer IISB, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK) und dem Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme (LZE) gemeinsam mit dem P-Seminar »Kristallwettbewerb« des Gymnasiums Eckental organisiert und von der Bavarian Chips Alliance als Partner maßgeblich unterstützt.

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