Know-how, infrastructure, in-depth experience -
our services for you

In addition to our services listed here, you will find our product sheets with further services in our brochure and flyer overview. They are sorted by topic and each has a contact person with whom you can get in touch directly.


π-Fab® - Prototype Fabrication

π-Fab® is the IISB's in-house brand for development and manufacturing of individual prototypes. We offer an outstanding flexibility regarding process steps, wafer sizes and entry/exit point.  


SiC Services

Experience-based, custom-tailored SiC Services. With our one-stop solutions, we cover the whole process chain, from material to device, module and system. 



IISB’s HT CMOS technology enables fabrication of integrated analog and digital circuits on 150 mm wafers which can operate at temperatures up to approx. 600 °C. Custom solutions allow for integration of sensors, e.g. UV and temperature, as well as lateral power devices. To support circuit design, a preliminary process design kit (PDK) based on KLayout and Cadence including technology information, process constrains, such as design, and layout rule checks (DRC & LVS) is provided.


Focused Ion Beam (FIB)

With our dual-beam FIB systems, we analyze defects in assembled systems, visualize doping and damage processes in implanted devices, analyze cross-sections in a layered system or perform local process control on wafers. Our decade-long experience with a wide variety of materials opens up a long list of preparation and analysis options from semiconductor materials to polymers, glasses, diamonds, bones, metals, crystals, ceramics, ...


X-ray Topography

With our XRTmicron topography tools, we investigate crystallographic defects on wafer scale, non-destructively, with high measurement speed and highest spatial resolution. The X-ray topography measurement method used for this purpose is ideally suited for the analysis of epilayer structures, wafers, wafers with epilayer structures and partially processed wafers.



With foxBMS®, Fraunhofer IISB delivers the first generation of its open source battery management system (BMS) research and development platform. It includes all necessary hardware and software for nearly any kind of mobile and stationary application that uses modern rechargeable electrochemical energy storage systems. Furthermore, FoxBMS® is designed to manage high- performance prototypes of advanced and innovative lithium-ion battery systems of any size.


Medium Voltage & Megawatt Power Test Lab

Our 220 m² medium voltage test bench at Fraunhofer IISB allows for the testing of medium voltage components and systems by offering DC and AC voltage power supplies and sinks up to 30 kV and 3.2 MW. A 900 kW water cooling supply is available. We also operate a modular multilevel grid simulator with power hardware-in-the-loop concept for testing under realistic conditions with arbitrary disturbances.



For our extensive hydrogen infrastructure, several departments contribute their knowledge in various application scenarios. This includes both mobile and stationary applications such as grid stability, peak shaving or load shifting in industry, or intermediate storage and buffer applications for renewable energies.


Software Toolbox for Intelligent Energy Management

When is it profitable for SMEs to invest in their own renewable energy generation, energy storage or modernization measures for their existing energy system? How can they react confidently to changing production and market conditions? Every company can only answer these questions individually - and we support them with a free software toolbox.



We employ TCAD (technology computer-aided design) based on the industry standard Synopsys Sentaurus software, complemented by in-house modules with additional capabilities for process modeling. This allows us to address our customers' individual needs related to semiconductor manufacturing technology for various types of devices.

Quantum mechanical device simulations can be added and interfaces to atomistic modeling allow, e.g., the determination of parameters for process and device simulation.



LiWiCalc® is our high-speed software for calculating all dominant power losses on realistic litz wire geometries: With an accurate resolution of internal and external proximity and skin effects, LiWiCalc® calculates losses for litz wires with several thousands of strands on multiple geometry levels for a wide frequency range and thus supports the design of e.g. chokes, coils and transformers.


Dr. Production®

As demonstrated by various R&D projects in cooperation with equipment suppliers and semiconductor manufacturers from all over Europe, Fraunhofer IISB offers its expertise in the field of data-driven production optimization under the trademark Dr. Production®.