Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2017 | Experimental verification of a self-triggered solid-state circuit breaker based on a SiC BIFET Albrecht, M.; Hürner, A.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Platinum diffusion for advanced silicon power devices Badr, Elie |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2017 | Stress reduction in high voltage MIS capacitor fabrication Banzhaf, S.; Kenntner, J.; Grieb, M.; Schwaiger, S.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Waste heat energy harvesting by use of BaTiO3 for pyroelectric hydrogen generation Belitz, R.; Meisner, P.; Coeler, Matthias; Wunderwald, U.; Friedrich, Jochen; Zosel, J.; Schelter, Matthias; Jachalke, Sven; Mehner, Erik |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Novel advanced analytical design tool for 4H-SiC VDMOSFET devices Benedetto, L. di; Licciardo, G.D.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Rubino, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Raman micro-spectroscopy as a non-destructive key analysis tool in current power semiconductor manufacturing Biasio, M. de; Kraft, M.; Geier, E.; Goller, B.; Bergmann, C.; Esteve, R.; Cerezuela-Barreto, M.; Lewke, D.; Schellenberger, M.; Roesner, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Influence of modulation and voltage balancing on spectral emission of modular multilevel converters Coumont, M.; Hanson, J.; Hermanns, K.; Griepentrog, G.; Lukaschik, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | A quantitative model with new scaling for silicon carbide particle engulfment during silicon crystal growth Derby, J.J.; Tao, Y.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Jauß, T.; Sorgenfrei, T.; Cröll, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | 6 kW bidirectional, insulated on-board charger with normally-off GaN gate injection transistors Endres, S.; Sessler, C.; Zeltner, S.; Eckardt, B.; Morita, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Application-related characterization and theoretical potential of wide-bandgap devices Endruschat, A.; Heckel, T.; Gerstner, H.; Joffe, C.; Eckardt, B.; März, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Bulk lifetime characterization of corona charged silicon wafers with high resistivity by means of microwave detected photoconductivity Engst, Christian R.; Rommel, Mathias; Bscheid, Christian; Eisele, Ignaz; Kutter, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Characterization and mitigation of 3D mask effects in extreme ultraviolet lithography Erdmann, A.; Xu, D.; Evanschitzky, P.; Philipsen, V.; Luong, V.; Hendrickx, E. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Special issue on ptychography Erdmann, A.; Situ, G. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Influence and mutual interaction of process parameters on the Z1/2 defect concentration during epitaxy of 4H-SiC Erlekampf, Jürgen; Kaminzky, Daniel; Roßhirt, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Rommel, Mathias; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Frey, Lothar |
Poster |
2017 | Efficient simulation of EUV pellicles Evanschitzky, P.; Erdmann, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | A bidirectional approach for segregated DC microgrids Fersterra, F.; Gosses, K.; Schulz, M.; Wunder, B.; März, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Engulfment and pushing of Si3N4 and SiC particles during directional solidification of silicon under microgravity conditions Friedrich, J.; Reimann, C.; Jauss, T.; Cröll, A.; Sorgenfrei, T.; Tao, Y.; Derby, J.J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Polymerization related deformations in multilayer soft stamps for nanoimprint Förthner, Michael; Papenheim, Marc; Rumler, Maximilian; Stumpf, Florian; Baier, Leander; Rommel, Mathias; Scheer, Hella-Christin; Frey, Lothar |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Nanoimprinted surface relief Bragg gratings for sensor applications Förthner, Michael; Girschikofsky, Maiko; Rumler, Maximilian; Rommel, Mathias; Hellmann, Ralf; Frey, Lothar |
Poster |
2017 | SiC power module loss reduction by PWM gate drive patterns and impedance-optimized gate drive voltages Gerstner, H.; Heckel, T.; Endruschat, A.; Rosskopf, A.; Eckardt, B.; März, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Waveguide bragg gratings in Ormocer®s for temperature sensing Girschikofsky, Maiko; Rosenberger, Manuel; Förthner, Michael; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar; Hellmann, Ralf |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Fabrication of Bragg grating sensors in UV-NIL structured Ormocer waveguides Girschikofsky, Maiko; Förthner, Michael; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar; Hellmann, Ralf |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Fabrication of Bragg grating sensors in UV-NIL structured Ormocer waveguides Girschikofsky, Maiko; Förthner, Michael; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar; Hellmann, Ralf |
Vortrag Presentation |
2017 | Entwicklungsperspektiven für Zellformate von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien in der Elektromobilität Hettesheimer, Tim; Thielmann, Axel; Neef, Christoph; Möller, Kai-Christian; Wolter, Mareike; Lorentz, Vincent; Gepp, Markus; Wenger, Martin; Prill, Torben; Zausch, Jochen; Kitzler, Peter; Montnacher, Joachim; Miller, Martin; Hagen, Markus; Fanz, Patrik; Tübke, Jens |
Studie Study |
2017 | Monolithically integrated solid-state-circuit-breaker for high power applications Huerner, A.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Generalized approach to design multi-layer stacks for enhanced optical detectability of ultrathin layers Hutzler, Andreas; Matthus, Christian D.; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Silicon self-interstitial properties deduced from platinum profiles after annealing with controlled cooling Johnsson, Anna; Pichler, Peter; Schmidt, Gerhard |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Grid behavior under fault situations in ±380 VDC distribution systems Kaiser, J.; Gosses, K.; Ott, L.; Han, Y.; Wunder, B.; März, M.; Weiss, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Safety considerations for the operation of bipolar DC-grids Kaiser, J.; Gosses, K.; Ott, L.; Han, Y.; Wunder, B.; März, M.; Schork, F.; Bühler, K.; Böhm, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Optical stressing of 4H-SiC material and devices Kallinger, Birgit; Kaminzky, Daniel; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Oppel, Steffen |
Poster |
2017 | Parasitic inductance analysis of a fast switching 100 kW full SiC inverter Kegeleers, M.; Koerner, J.; Matlok, S.; Hofmann, M.; Maerz, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | 3D simulation of silicon-based single-electron transistors Klüpfel, Fabian J.; Pichler, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Influence of Al doping concentration and annealing parameters on TiAl based ohmic contacts on 4H-SiC Kocher, Matthias; Rommel, Mathias; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, Anton |
Poster |
2017 | Point contact current voltage measurements of 4H-SiC samples with different doping profiles Kocher, Matthias; Niebauer, Michael; Rommel, Mathias; Haeublein, Volker; Bauer, Anton |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | A passively cooled 15 kW, 800 V DCDC converter with a peak efficiency of 99.7 % Kreutzer, O.; Billmann, M.; Maerz, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Dynamic Modeling of Critical Velocities for the Pushing/Engulfment Transition in the Si-SiC System Under Gravity Conditions Kundin, J.; Aufgebauer, H.; Reimann, C.; Seebeck, J.; Friedrich, J.; Jauss, T.; Sorgenfrei, T.; Croell, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Influence of different nucleation layers on the initial grain structure of multicrystalline silicon ingots Kupka, I.; Lehmann, T.; Trempa, M.; Kranert, C.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Characterizing the conducted EMI performance of a power module through passive measurement Liu, Y.; Kochetov, S.; Smazinka, T.; Lindemann, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Elektrische Energiespeicherzelle mit integrierter Überbrückungseinrichtung Lorentz, Vincent; März, Martin; Waller, Reinhold |
Patent |
2017 | Anordnung mit multifuntionalem Anschluss für Energiespeicherzellen oder Energieverbraucher Lorentz, Vincent; März, Martin; Wenger, Martin |
Patent |
2017 | Elektrische Überbrückungseinrichtung zum Überbrücken einer elektrischen Energiequelle oder eines Energieverbrauchers Lorentz, Vincent; März, Martin; Waller, Reinhold |
Patent |
2017 | New methods to evaluate cleaning processes by detecting the particle load on surfaces of diamond wire sawn silicon wafers Lottspeich, L.; Herold, I.; Richter, H.; Kaden, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Switching SiC devices faster and more efficient using a DBC mounted terminal decoupling Si-RC element Matlok, S.; Erlbacher, T.; Krach, F.; Eckardt, B. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Digital control of hard switched converters by phase modulated pulse width modulation PMPWM Matlok, S.; Eckardt, B.; Seliger, B.; März, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Elektrischer Spannungswandler mit mehreren Speicherdrosseln Matlok, Stefan |
Patent |
2017 | Implementation of 4H-SiC PiN-diodes as nearly linear temperature sensors up to 800 K towards SiC multi-sensor integration Matthus, C.D.; Erlbacher, T.; Schöfer, B.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Advanced 4H-SiC p-i-n Diode as Highly Sensitive High-Temperature Sensor Up To 460 degrees C Matthus, C.D.; Erlbacher, T.; Hess, A.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Optimization of 4H-SiC photodiodes as selective UV sensors Matthus, C.D.; Burenkov, A.; Erlbacher, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | A practical example of GaN-LED failure cause analysis by application of combined electron microscopy techniques Meissner, E.; Haeckel, M.; Friedrich, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Mechatronic design of 2 kW SiC DC/AC converter with 200 W/inch Menrath, T.; Endres, S.; Zeltner, S.; Matlok, S.; Eckardt, B. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | 3.3 kV SiC JBS diode configurable rectifier module Mouawad, B.; Wang, Z.; Buettner, J.; Castellazzi, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Introduction and application of formation methods based on serial-connected lithium-ion battery cells Müller, V.; Kaiser, R.; Poller, S.; Sauerteig, D.; Schwarz, R.; Wenger, M.; Lorentz, V.R.H.; März, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | System integration of printed biosensors for sweat electrolytes with data acquisition via Bluetooth to App Oertel, S.; Jank, M.; Zörner, A.; Schmitz, B.; Lang, N. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Simulation flow and model verification for laser direct-write lithography Onanuga, T.; Rumler, M.; Erdmann, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | A physical model for innovative laser direct write lithography Onanuga, T.; Rumler, M.; Erdmann, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Investigation of dislocation cluster evolution during directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon Oriwol, D.; Trempa, M.; Sylla, L.; Leipner, H.S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | A calorimetric method for measuring power losses in power semiconductor modules Pai, A.P.; Reiter, T.; Vodyakho, O.; Yoo, I.; Maerz, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Enhanced contamination control methods in advanced wafer processing Pfeffer, M.; Richter, H.; Altmann, R.; Leibold, A.; Bauer, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Reducing EUV mask 3D effects by alternative metal absorbers Philipsen, V.; Luong, K.V.; Souriau, L.; Hendrickx, E.; Erdmann, A.; Xu, D.; Evanschitzky, P.; Kruijs, R.W.E. van de; Edrisi, A.; Scholze, F.; Laubis, C.; Irmscher, M.; Naasz, S.; Reuter, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Reducing extreme ultraviolet mask three-dimensional effects by alternative metal absorbers Philipsen, V.; Luong, K.V.; Souriau, L.; Erdmann, A.; Xu, D.; Evanschitzky, P.; Kruijs, R.W.E. van de; Edrisi, A.; Scholze, F.; Laubis, C.; Irmscher, M.; Naasz, S.; Reuter, C.; Hendrickx, E. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Mission profile analysis and calorimetric loss measurement of a SiC hybrid module for main inverter application of electric vehicles Poonjal Pai, A.; Reiter, T.; Maerz, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Evaluation of a novel reactor concept for the process intensification and intelligent heat management in the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers Preuster, P.; Wagner, L.; Nuß, A.; Geiling, J.; Steinberger, M.; Bösmann, A.; Wasserscheid, P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Enhancing chiller efficiencies via use of cold energy storage Puls, Philipp; Linhardt, Simon; Öchsner, Richard |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Investigation of high-k dielectric stacks by C-AFM: Advantages, limitations, and possible applications Rommel, Mathias; Paskaleva, Albena |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2017 | Resistless Ga+ beam lithography for flexible prototyping of nanostructures in different materials by reactive ion etching Rommel, Mathias; Rumler, Maximilian; Haas, Anke; Beuer, Susanne |
Vortrag Presentation |
2017 | Large area manufacturing of plasmonic colour filters using substrate conformal imprint lithography Rumler, Maximilian; Foerthner, M.; Baier, L.; Evanschitzky, P.; Becker, M.; Rommel, M.; Frey, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | One-step fabrication of hierarchical structures by direct laser writing through PDMS molds Rumler, Maximilian; Förthner, Michael; Baier, Leander; Marhenke, Julius; Kollmuss, Manuel; Michel, Felix; Becker, Marco; Rommel, Mathias |
Vortrag Presentation |
2017 | One-step fabrication of hierarchical structures Rumler, Maximilian; Förthner, Michael; Kollmuss, Manuel; Baier, Leander; Stumpf, Florian; Becker, Marco; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar |
Poster |
2017 | Kühlelement für mindestens einen mit elektronischen und/oder elektrischen Bauelementen bestückten Träger Schletz, Andreas; Schimanek, Ernst |
Patent |
2017 | Verfahren zu Ausbildung elektrisch leitender Durchkontaktierungen in keramischen Schaltungsträgern Schletz, Andreas; Tham, Nils; Hutzler, Aaron |
Patent |
2017 | Tiegel zur Herstellung von Silicium-Ingots, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung sowie Silicium-Ingot Schneider, Veronika; Reimann, Christian; Friedrich, Jochen; Sans, Jürgen; Kuczynski, Maciej |
Patent |
2017 | Influence of triangular defects on the electrical characteristics of 4H-SiC devices Schöck, Johannes; Schlichting, Holger; Kallinger, Birgit; Erlbacher, Tobias; Rommel, Mathias; Bauer, A.J. |
Poster |
2017 | 4.5 kV SiC junction barrier schottky diodes with low leakage current and high forward current density Schöck, Johannes; Büttner, Jonas; Rommel, Mathias; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, Anton |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Complex 3D structures via double imprint of hybrid structures and sacrificial mould techniques Steinberg, Christian; Rumler, Maximilian; Runkel, Manuel; Papenheim, Marc; Wang, Si; Mayer, Andre; Becker, Marco; Rommel, Mathias; Scheer, Hella-Christin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Fraunhofer uses semiconductor process exhaust in fuel cell Steinberger, Michael; Barrett, Steve |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Layout and Setup for a Conversion System of Hydrogen Exhaust Gas Streams into Electricity using a PEM Fuel Cell Steinberger, Michael; Müller, Michael; Hoffmann, Patrick; Geiling, Johannes; Öchsner, Richard |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Dislocation formation in heavily As-doped Czochralski grown silicon Stockmeier, Ludwig; Lehmann, Lothar; Miller, Alfred; Reimann, Christian; Friedrich, Jochen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Resonant electric arcs in DC microgrids with low system impedance in the VLF-band Strobl, C.; Ott, L.; Kaiser, J.; Streck, M.; Nothnagel, F.; Berger, F.; Schäfer, M.; Rabenstein, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Particle engulfment dynamics under oscillating crystal growth conditions Tao, Y.; Sorgenfrei, T.; Jauß, T.; Cröll, A.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Derby, J.J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Verfahren zur Überprüfung eines Trennschrittes bei der Zerteilung eines flachen Werkstückes in Teilstücke Tobisch, Alexander; Schellenberger, Martin; Lewke, Dirk |
Patent |
2017 | Evolution of grain structure and recombination active dislocations in extraordinary tall conventional and high performance multi-crystalline silicon ingots Trempa, M.; Kupka, I.; Kranert, C.; Lehmann, T.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Elektrische Überbrückungseinrichtung zum Überbrücken elektrischer Bauelemente, insbesondere einer Energiequelle oder eines Energieverbrauchs Waller, Reinhold; Lorentz, Vincent; März, Martin |
Patent |
2017 | Levet-set-based inverse lithography under random field shape uncertainty in a vector Hopkins imaging model Wu, X.; Fühner, T.; Erdmann, A.; Lam, E.Y. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Droop controlled cognitive power electronics for DC microgrids Wunder, B.; Ott, L.; Kaiser, J.; Gosses, K.; Schulz, M.; Fersterra, F.; März, M.; Lavery, M.; Han, Y. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Determination of the selectivity of printed wearable sweat sensors Zörner, A.; Oertel, S.; Schmitz, B.; Lang, N.; Jank, M.P.M.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
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