MobiSiC Publications

List of Publications

C. Strenger, A.J. Bauer, H. Ryssel: Effect of Increased Oxide Hole Trap Density due to Nitrogen Incorporation at the SiO2/SiC Interface on F-N Current Degradation, Materials Science Forum 679-680, 382 (2011) DOI:10.4028/

A.M. Beltran, S. Schamm-Chardon, V. Mortet, M. Lefebvre, E. Bedel-Pereira, F. Cristiano, C. Strenger, V. Häublein, A.J. Bauer: Nano-Analytical and Electrical Characterization of 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 711, 134 (2012) DOI:10.4028/

C. Strenger, V. Häublein, T. Erlbacher, A.J. Bauer, H. Ryssel, A.M. Beltran, S. Schamm-Chardon, V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, M. Lefebvre, F. Christiano: Comparative Study of Electrical and Microstructural Properties of 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 717-720, 437 (2012) DOI:10.4028/

M. Noborio, M. Grieb, A.J. Bauer, D. Peters, P. Friedrichs, J. Suda, T. Kimoto: Reliability of Nitrided Gate Oxides for N- and P-Type 4H-SiC(0001) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 090201 (2011) DOI:10.1143/JJAP.50.090201

V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, J.F. Bobo, F. Cristiano, C. Strenger, V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, A.J. Bauer: Hall Effect Characterization of 4H-SiC MOSFETs: Influence of Nitrogen Channel Implantation, Materials Science Forum 740-742, 525 (2013) DOI:10.4028/

V. Uhnevionak, C. Strenger, A. Burenkov, V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, F. Cristiano, A. Bauer, P. Pichler: Verification of Near-Interface Trap Models by Electrical Measurements on 4H-SiC n-channel MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 740-742, 533 (2013) DOI:10.4028/

C. Strenger, V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, A.J. Bauer, V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, F. Crisitano, M. Krieger, H. Ryssel: Correlation of Interface Characteristics to Electron Mobility in Channel-implanted 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 740-742, 537 (2013) DOI:10.4028/

A. Hürner, T. Schlegl, B. Adelmann, H. Mitlehner, R. Hellmann, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey: Alloying of Ohmic Contacts to n-type 4H-SiC via Laser Irradiation, Materials Science Forum 740-742, 773 (2013) DOI:10.4028/

V. Häublein, G. Temmel, H. Mitlehner, G. Rattmann, C. Strenger, A. Hürner, A.J. Bauer, H.Ryssel, L. Frey: Comparative Study of n-LIGBT and n-LDMOS structures on 4H-SiC, Materials Science Forum 740-742, 887 (2013) DOI:10.4028/

B. Adelmann, A. Hürner, T. Schlegel, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, R. Hellmann: Laser Alloying Nickel on 4H-silicon Carbide Substrate to Generate Ohmic Contacts, Journal of Laser Micro- and Nanoengineering 8(1), 97 (2013) DOI:10.2961/jlmn.2013.01.0019

V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, P. Pichler: On the Calculation of Hall Factors for the Characterization of Electronic Devices, 9th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME 2013, 241-244, Piscataway: IEEE (2013) DOI:10.1109/PRIME.2013.6603159

V. Uhnevionak, C. Strenger, A. Burenkov, V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, J. Lorenz, P. Pichler: Characterization of n-Channel 4H-SiC MOSFETs: Electrical Measurements and Simulation Analysis, ESSDERC 2013, 242-245, Piscataway: IEEE (2013) DOI:10.1109/ESSDERC.2013.6818864

V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, C. Strenger, A. J. Bauer, P. Pichler: On the Temperature Dependence of the Hall Factor in n-channel 4H-SiC MOSFETs: ECS Transactions 58(4), 81 (2013) DOI:10.1149/05804.0081ecst

C. Strenger, V. Uhnevoniak, A.Burenkov, A.J. Bauer, P. Pichler, T. Erlbacher, H.Ryssel, L. Frey: Influence of ion implantation in SiC on the channel mobility in lateral n-channel MOSFETs, ECS Transactions, 58(4), 71 (2013) DOI:10.1149/05804.0071ecst

V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, C. Strenger, V. Mortet, E. Bedel-Pereira, F. Cristiano, A. J. Bauer, P. Pichler: Hall Factor Calculation for the Characterization of Transport Properties in n-channel 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 778-780, 483 (2014) DOI:10.4028/

A. Hürner, C. Bonse, B. Kallinger, H. Mitlehner, T. Erlbacher, V. Häublein, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey: Temperature and Electrical Field Dependence of Ambipolar Mobility in n-Doped 4H-SiC, Materials Science Forum 778-780 (2014) DOI:10.4028/

C. Strenger, V. Uhnevionak, V. Mortet, G. Ortiz, A. Burenkov, A.J. Bauer, T. Erlbacher, F. Cristiano, E. Bedel-Pereira, P. Pichler, H. Ryssel: Systematic Analysis of the high- and Low-Field Channel Mobility in Lateral 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum 778-780, 583 (2014) DOI:10.4028/

G. Ortiz-Hernandez, V. Mortet, C. Strenger, V. Uhnevionak, A. Burenkov, A.J. Bauer, F. Cristiano and E. Bedel-Pereira: Impact of Fabrication Process on Electrical Properties and on Interfacial Density of States in 4H-SiC n-MOSFETs Studied by Hall Effect, Materials Science Forum 806, 127 (2014)DOI:10.4028/